Ryan Kenny

I’m Ryan Kenny, an eighteen year old photographer from Adelaide, Australia. My photographs are part fantasy, part real life and they centre around the relationship between humans and nature. I aim to create images that are pleasing to the eye. I don’t aim to communicate any “big issues” but rather for the viewer to enjoy the experience of viewing an image. Each photograph is a segment of a scene. My photographs leave much to the imagination, which adds to the viewing experience.


‘From A Mouse’

My name is Alison, I’m currently sixteen years of age, and I have an undeniable fixation with photography.  While I always loved taking photos with disposable film cameras and my two megapixel digital point and shoot when I was young, I bought my first dSLR at fifteen and found a love and proclivity for photographing people.  Though I started this just a few months ago, I know I’ll never stop.  The world as a whole has inspired my photography, and photography has truly opened my eyes to the world.

Tatsiana Kilimbet

Elizaveta Porodina

I am a 22 year old photographer based in Munich. I came to Munich when I was 13 and my hometown is Moscow. I am passionately in love with everything that has to do with art, painting, photography. One of the main reasons why I make photos is my desire to capture the momentary beauty of the movement of a human body. Each person I capture on my pictures has some of the magic in her /him which lacks me sometimes during the daily routine – so photography seems to be a perfect possibilty to never grow old.

Hailey Golich